Iskraline, Harmonia


Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Selbstabholung, Selbstabholer / Nachbestellung

Iskraline, Harmonia


Showbox with color, strobe and crackling chrysanthemum effects in alternating shapes and almost 1.000g powderweight.


1.) Green tail to Red Green Blue with White Strobe

2.) Fan: Red Green Strobe mines&Gold to Chry comets

3.) Brocade tail to Brocade crown Red Strobe and Small Chrys

4.) Fan: Red Green Strobe mines&Gold to Chry comets

5.) Gold tail to Silver Spider with Blue stars

6.) Gold tail to Green Dahlia with Gold Strobe

7.) 2 Salvos of Brocade tail to Silver Pine Ball with Red Strobe

Hersteller: Funke Feuerwerk
Schusszahl: 74 Schuss
Effektdauer: ca. 48 sek.
Effekthöhe ca. 40 Meter
Kategorie: F2
Kaliber (mm): 25/30
NEM (g): 992,80
CE: 2806-F2-006281

1.3 G

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